「非」凡夢飛航青年交流計劃–微電影「友愛無礙 看世界」
(With English Version Below)
疫情過去一年,大家受到社交距離限制,無辦法出外旅行。社會上有一群人即便有沒有疫情,出外是他們常面對的問題。「非」凡夢飛航青年交流計劃是2021年首個線上橫跨國際交流體驗活動,微電影「友愛無礙 看世界」希望重燃後疫情國際間的距離,重新聯繫國際。
由香港年輕男生Karson和香港少數族裔女生Isha 主演的微電影「友愛無礙 看世界」正式在facebook大公開???!!故事講述兩位分別來自香港的Karson和巴基斯坦的輪椅青年Isha,透
Under the epidemic, we were restricted by social distancing and could not travel abroad. Even if there is an epidemic or not, there are people in the society who have huge difficulties to travel . The FlyWheel is an on e in a life online cross-international exchange journey for you in 2021. The micro-film “Friend With No Barrier” hopes to promote the idea of barrier free travel and meet new international friends under covid.
The micro-film “Friend With No Barrier” starring new amateur male and female amateurs is officially released on Facebook ???! ! The story is about two young people, Karson from Hong Kong and wheelchair-user Isha from Pakistan. Through series of activities, they get to know each other, and finally become good friends~??
Are you ready of tmr event?
Acknowledgement of supporting organizations:
@Home Association